Sweet Potatoes: More than super!
Sweet potatoes, due to their dense composition of fibers have been fluent in all of the Indian subcontinent as a young food that satisfies hunger for long periods. Precisely this is the reason why dietitians recommend it on a weight loss diet.
Sweet Potatoes: More than super!
The Sandhya Gugnani celebrity nutritionist, “sweet potatoes are nutrition dense foods. If you think because of its sweet taste, it should be avoided by people who avoid sugar. You should know that they really help to bring down the sugar in the blood due to their low Glycemic. “It is useful in the control of blood pressure and prevents constipation because of the high fiber content.
Power packed super food
Good for eyes : If you believe in the term “superfood”, sweet potatoes perfectly Bill. According to a recent search on African children, it has been found that sweet potatoes meet the 35% requirement of 90% of vitamin a.
Anti-age and fight against cancer : Carotenoids present in sweet potatoes are believed to have significant anticancer and antioxidant properties. When passing through the digestive tract, this fibrous tuber absorbs dangerous free radicals and heavy metals that can cause cancer.
At Harvard University studies have proven that there is a reduction of more than 30% chance for a lung cancer in people eating foods rich in carotenoids beta.
Prevent stress; controlling blood pressure, heart healthy: vitamin B6-rich, they have been proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. They are rich in magnesium which is necessary for a healthy artery, blood, BONES, heart, muscle and nerve function.
Potassium in sweet potatoes helps in the regulation of the heartbeat and the nervous system signals, as well as in relaxing muscle contractions, reduce swelling and to protect and control the function of the kidneys.
Energy-rich: as the sugar present in sweet potatoes is slowly released into the blood, they are often recommended in the diet of athletes and players and those who suffer from low blood pressure.
Healthier cooking method
it is important to ‘Cook’ the sweet potatoes before eating for best absorption of nutrition.
Boiling point: this is a recommended way as consuming boiled and mashed sweet potatoes helps to better assimilation of beta carotene (vitamin A). In the form of porridge, they have a glycemic index more low and is therefore useful for slow release of sugar in the body.
Stir fry: he frying with 3-4 g of fat is really useful because nutrients are more active and are easily absorbed by the body. But make sure that you do not over it.
Steam and roasting: steam for 7-8 minutes is sufficient nutrients available.
The most common way to get sweet potatoes is in the form of roast because it tastes better that way. No more roasting and also avoid paying too much vegetable oil because it can destroy a nutritional composition.
When to avoid it
While diabetics and weight watchers it may have in the quantities measured, people with already existing and untreated or gall bladder problems kidney should eat only after consulting the doctor.
Potato sweet Biscuits
sweet potatoes – 1 Cup, cooked and mashed, buttermilk – 1/4 cup Maida (flour) – 1 1/2 cup Light Brown Sugar – 3 TSP, baking powder – 1 1 / 2 TSP, method of baking soda-1/4 TSP, butter – 1/4 cup No salty salt – 3/4 teaspoon
– combine the maida, brown sugar, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Whisk well.
– Add the butter and mix until the mixture is crumbly.
– whisk the puree of sweet potatoes and buttermilk in a small bowl.
– add to the flour mixture and mix well until the dough is sticky.
– sprinkle flour on a flat surface and knead the dough 4 to 5 times.
– extend to 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick and cut the dough into 2-inch slices.
– place them on a parchment covered baking plate.
– put the dish in a preheated oven at 225 c/450F and cook for 10 to 12 minutes or until this only slightly tanned. Remove and let cool.
– store in an airtight and serve as needed.
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