Looking for a way to liven up your practice of meditation or self-management of health? Try to use crystals! The practice of the use of crystals as a healing tool has been around for centuries, but in the modern era, we used our understanding of science to take the idea a step further.

Guide from the beginner to the crystals of
The science behind healing crystals remains theoretical, but even outside their healing properties, the crystals are… Well, really nice. There is no harm to use in your daily life to improve your mood, decorate your House and integrate them into your meditation routine. If you’re new to the concept, here is exactly what you need to know about crystals.
The scientific theory behind Crystal Healing
First of all, let’s talk about the theory behind the crystals and their operation. Crystals are solids, but the atoms in their breast vibrate at a very high frequency. It is because of these beautiful crystals form first.
“They started as liquid or gas beneath the surface of the Earth,” explains Elephant Journal. “When the liquid or gas is passed to the surface and cooled it stuck and trained to be that now see us as a solid-state, with each atom organized according to a provision that is orderly and repetitive.” These atoms vibrate at a very high speed and temperatures and sounds can influence their frequency. “
The idea of crystals, then, is that we can use their vibration frequency to influence our own and vice versa. Some gems are traditionally known to embody different qualities and virtues, so we use this knowledge for the gems swayed our vibrations.
Common crystal meanings
There are many, many kinds of crystals, each with different qualities and attributes – and, therefore, different meanings according to the promoters. Here are some of the most common stones Starter to add to your collection:
- Rose Quartz: there are many different types of quartz, you can collect, but the rose quartz is one of the most beloved. It promotes healing, self-love and the female energy.
- Of amethyst: Amethyst records negative psychic energy outdoors. What makes a great stone for drive away nightmares or anxiety, promote calm and creative thinking instead.
- Of citrine: Citrine is ideal for those traveling professional or creative wanting to demonstrate success. It is closely related to the manifestation of the objectives as well as clear, pushed, to think.
- Clear calcite: Calcite is bound to come out of our shells and emerging in the next phase of our life. Clear calcite helps us to release the old ideals that we, this allows us to embrace the next step of life may contain.
- Of carnelian: carnelian helps us to live in the moment and focus our mind and our body. This, in turn, can help us be more present in our relationships, professional and practical meditation efforts. Carnelian may have a heating element that can make it ideal to stimulate our sex life or to keep us warm on cold winter days.
How to use crystals
There are a number of ways to use your crystals once you have achieved them. First, you’ll want to get rid of all energy they may have picked up on their way to you, then you can begin your journey with a clean slate. Most of the collectors is advised to wash the gem in a little warm water with a very little bit of sea salt, rinse completely and then let the Crystal to sit outside in the Moonlight to absorb its purification, Lunar energy calm.
Then you are ready to start using your Crystal. As mentioned above, the frequency of the atoms of the Crystal are changed by the sound and the temperature, so the best way to start is to warm up. There are two ways to do safely to hold gemstones in your hand, or place them next to a candle.
Focus on the Crystal and ponder the idea of your vibrations merging. It’s the meditative train of thought, you’ll always want to come back to the idea that your vibrations and the Crystal can be interchangeable. This will allow you to absorb the Crystal properties, and vice versa.
In addition to meditation on the Crystal, you can sleep with it in your hand, it allows to decorate your spiritual altar, keep it in your purse, wear it around your neck or on a ring or place it close to you, when you participate in treatments of personal care such as facials, massages or baths.
That are fantastic ways to bring the magic of the crystals in your daily life. Although the science behind the idea is still theoretical, there is no doubt about it: collect crystals makes your home and much nicer life, and it’s also a ton of fun.
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