Four years later, when I was 25, I took a six hour flight from New Jersey to Seattle.” Fly is known to be a big risk factor for people with a history of blood clots, so I was prepared. I made sure to stand often during the flight, I had leg extends at all hours, and I have same door of compression socks. Yet, I felt pain in the legs as well as nausea during the trip. By the time I arrived home from my friend in Seattle, I was vomiting. Then I felt a very sharp pain in my leg, and suddenly I was better. At the time, I thought it was just something that can happen after you already had a clot.

“I survived two deadly blood clots in my 20s – here’s what I’ve learned ‘
But two weeks later I ended up back at the hospital when the same symptoms of my first returned clot. Doctors theorize that during the flight, I experienced a DVT (deep vein thrombosis) in my leg and he traveled to my lungs.
“I survived two deadly blood clots in my 20s – here’s what I’ve learned ‘
Another theory is that the clot could have been caused by the birth control, but I stopped taking it after my first clot. He had been prescribed me years earlier after my diagnosis of endometriosis and certainly increases the risk of blood clots. I managed to keep endometriosis from a distance with holistic care, and with hindsight, I wish I had tried them before they go on the birth control.
Most of the people who have had clots will be on blood thinners for a long time. Because I got two, I am on blood thinners indefinitely. It is scary to think I am only 27 and will already be on some form of medication for the rest of my life. Fortunately, the only side effects I have are fatigue and feeling very cold.
I now get an INR (International Normal Ratio) – a blood test that checks how long it takes for the blood clotting – regularly and take a large number of preventive measures such as stretching. Also, I have to limit my intake of foods rich in vitamin K, which helps the coagulation of the blood, such as green vegetables, peas and lawyer. While doctors recommend patients to rebuild their lungs through exercise and the work of breathing, it is still difficult for me to do what I was doing in what concerns the work. However, I am so grateful for the progress that I made, and I am aware that this is in part because I’m young. In contrast, my mother, had his blood clot, when she was in her thirties and to this day is very limited in terms of what type of physical activity, she can do.
My mother and I thought it was strange that we had both had blood clots, so we tested for a mutation in the MTHFR gene, which can be linked to the formation of clots. We both tested positive, and it is information that we share with all our care providers.
Has no way of knowing if I’ll get another clot. Some circumstances of life may be triggers: pregnancy and surgery, for example. I have no intention to carry out a pregnancy because of this; In addition, MTHF mutation has been also associated with miscarriages. If I need surgery at some point, I need to start injections of Lovenex. And I am unable to take whatever it is focused on estrogen, for the rest of my life, even when I eventually go through menopause.
I did not leave this diagnostic interrupt my goals: I work for the American Cancer Society and I am a PhD student. I missed a month of work, but not a not skipping a beat, which is school work has been. I would be able to do my job, even though I was connected to an oxygen tank.
Through to watch my mom for me – lawyer because she had an instinct that something was wrong really, I learned to do the same for me. It is so important to really speak for yourself. This experience really taught me the importance of listening to my intuition.
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