We absolutely, without a doubt, freaking love braids. Like, if we could write an ode to them every morning, we would. And apparently we’re not alone in our feelings, because almost every week, we see some new variation on the good ol’ three-strand braid, like the zig-zag fishtail braid, the very intricate, very confusing mermaid braid, and now, the corset braid
After models at Vancouver Fashion Week were seen walking at Lesley Hampton with sheer ribbon threaded through their braids, variations on the trend have resurfaced on social media. Because, as we’ve stated, everybody freaking loves braids. And though you’ve probably seen this type of style on your grade-school niece or, you know, in textbooks, the new corset braids are anything but juvenile, thanks to their leather ties, razor-thin ribbons, and precise, slicked-back braids.
This Weird “Corset” Braid is Legit Breaking the Internet
Don’t be put off by the horribly uncomfortable name, though—these braids are nothing like the torturous waist-whittlers of the turn of the century. Instead, the laces are merely threaded through the braids as decoration, no pulling or suffocating required.
Source: Instagram
And yes, they’re actually insanely easy to do on yourself—well, the O.G. style is, at least. Just create two tight Dutch braids (which is when you cross the sections of the braid under, rather than over, to give the braid an inverted, popped-out look), and braid all the way to the very ends of your hair before securing with an elastic. Cut a thin strip of leather, lace, or ribbon (about double the length of your arm), and thread it through the first few inches of your braid, pulling it until it’s exactly halfway through. Then, like you’d lace up a shoe, cross the ends of the ribbon, thread the ends through the braids once more, re-cross the ribbon, thread it through the braids again, and on and on until you run out of ribbon. Tie the ends together or pin them in place. Totally lost and confused? Great. Here’s a video that explains what we mean:
Source: Instagram
Yes, a little frightening on a mannequin’s head, but still totally easy to do. And if you’re not a fan of the double Dutch braids, try creating three, four, or five braids across your head (no culturally appropriated cornrows, please), and thread the ribbon through just two braids of the braids, like these ladies did below.
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