Your exercise for arm and shoulder
Best arm and shoulder of your exercise in your daily life. Best arm & shoulder your exercise in your daily life, for the most part, women have armpit fat and it affects their confidence when the arms are discovered. A plan may not always help, toning is necessary also. Maybe even the only way to get rid of this fat is just to exercise.
Your exercise for arm and shoulder
You can do this exercise in your own home and you can use various things to do. manages the elastics, tubes or just the weight of your own body movements. Fat of your arm and shoulder requires 3 weeks to a month to be the arm and shoulder of tone.
Elbow kissing
To deal with your palms facing up and begin spreading the arms on each side of your shoulders at this level of the shoulder. The angle to the top of the arm must be 90 degrees. After that, start swinging the hand forward so that they are close together and the forearms are hit on all sides. Finally, return to its initial position and do 3 sets of this with 10 repetitions.
Push and Touch
Arms must be stretched and lifted on each side. Freely add hand weights is recommended. With arms outstretched to the sides, palms are facing forward, and you should raise it above your head at the same time. Do 3 sets, with 10 repetitions.
Cross Reverse Fly
Bend your knees to have more stability and make the legs extend outside the other on the width of the shoulders. Do not bend more than 90 degrees and make sure that the head is not too face down. The palms are facing towards each other and with the weight of each. Then, finally, raise your hands below the shoulders. Do 3 sets with 10 REPS
Bent-over tour rank
Two legs must be outside and we have to look forward to 90 degrees; each hand must hold a dumbbell and face to the opposite hand. You raise these and make a move toward your chest forward and extending backwards. Do 3 sets and 10 REPS
To exit the terrible feeling for yourself and the physical image and improve your certainty, first prepare and do these exercises until you’re ready for more experts. Adipose tissue is not all just disappear without intervention from someone else; You must try the efforts and have discipline. Setting your days and make a calendar9
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