I’m always fascinated by the changing face of modern nutrition and new concepts that appear out of the blue. Controversy “graphic versus” cooked for a long time, but seems to be a resurgence of the end. “eat it raw” is one of the modes regime currently in vogue.
Raw food is really better?
Raw food followers can be very persuasive and support to return to eating raw food, real as our ancestors away before the advent of the kitchen and modern systems include more transformed.
Raw food is really better?
Raw diets
the majority of the raw diets encourage their members to eat only plant foods, namely fruits, vegetables, grains of unsifted, not cooked or not cooked (usually in the form of germinated seeds), raw honey and nuts in the rough.
Raw meat of fish
Much hesitation at the idea of eating raw meat, but for example raw fish is consumed in sushi, which is very popular in Western countries. Meat actually can be eaten raw, as lovers of steak tartare, carpaccio and sashimi, evidence – and most steak lovers prefer their meat red or pink in the Middle anyway. Anyone who has already seen famous chefs at work know that judges frown on meat that is not dripping with juice.
Totally raw poultry meat and rare pork dishes are, however, not supported in the culinary industry. This may be due to the fear of contamination bacteria like salmonella , or worm infestations like the tapeworm. These meats are safest for human consumption when cooked throughout. Generally speaking, protein-rich food is safer cooked than raw.
The brain size theory
In the past a few anthropologists for decades and the supporters of the theory of evolution suggested that it was the discovery of fire and how to cook food that led to the spectacular and relatively fast (in evolutionary terms) development of the human brain – which increased by 50% in h. erectus compared to its predecessor brain H. habilis . At the same time, the tooth size in h. erectus decreases more than ever before or after.
These changes have occurred in 1.6 to 1.9 million years, modern anthropologists attribute and there is this unprecedented expansion in the size of the brain, which allowed it to develop as a modern man, to various theories related to that h. erectus ate and the concept that they cooked their food.
According to Richard Wrangham, a biological anthropologist, species that eat that raw plant foods and very small amounts of raw, meat as gorillas and chimpanzees, spend so much time chewing and digesting the hard, fibrous roots, leaves and berries that make up their diet that they are unable to ingest enough energy to power the brain growth.
The discovery and control of the fire for cooking, make digestion easier and faster and also allowed a greater absorption of important nutrients. Therefore, not only the teeth, but also the digestive tract of modern man is much smaller than those of our ancestors.
Wrangham has calculated that the members of the erectus species h., who had a similar in size to modern humans, but eat wild, raw foods, would have had to eat on 5.5 kg of food per day to survive and keep their brains going. Even if h. erectus just ate raw meat, it would take 6 hours or more per day to chew the tough meat of wild animals active, to get enough energy and nutrients.
Wrangham has suggested that, while eating food, which is more digestible and make nutrients more absorbable, cooked, our ancestors were able to provide sufficient energy and nutrients for their brain to grow in size and complexity.
Until recently, little or no evidence existed that the beings humans or their ancestors had been able to control and use fire for cooking of 1.9 million years, when this period of unprecedented expansion of the brain took place. This caused many anthropologists and paleologists to believe that it was not the fact that our predecessors knew how to cook the food, but that they managed to catch him and killing animals to get the marrow of the bones and the brain tissue that is rich in nutrients and essential fatty acids, to fuel the growth spurt in human brains.
Wonderwork cellar
Too often seems to be the case, evidence that our ancestors of man has been able to control the fire possibly for the purpose of cooking close to 200,000 years earlier that previously thought, has been discovered in South Africa in the cave of wonderwork in Northern Cape province.
Humanoids and humans inhabit this cave for 2 million years, and it is here that the first plausible evidence has been found that our human ancestors were using fire and cooking at an early stage.
The team of researchers led by the archaeologist from the University of Boston Paul Goldberg, were able to determine that the bones found in a layer of Ashy wonderwork cave had been burned by a small fire of twigs and grass burning at temperatures between 400 o C and 700 o C and not by wildfire outside the cave.
Yet to be explored
If while we are still waiting for some archaeologist patient to find evidence that humans or their ancestors were able to control the fire and cooking food around the time of the great expansion in the human brain size and complexity, theory of Wrangham this cooking powered our evolution always remains just a theory now.
However, if we consider that cooked food provides more than 30% of energy of starch of oats, wheat or potatoes over raw varieties, and upward to 78% of the protein in a cooked egg, then perhaps we need to take seriously the findings of archaeology and combine raw and cooked in our diet food.
According to Wrangham, members of the raw modern food studies showed that they tend to be underweight, and up to 50% of the females had stopped during menstruation. The effect of weight loss is highlighted in some of the raw food sites, including for example States that “weight loss is almost certain to this regime.” Given the foregoing, it is important to ensure that you and your children eat a balanced diet, rich in nutrients which consists of food raw and cooked for optimal health.
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